Side Projects

Lights Management


Gif of Gestión de Luces

This is a final project for the Data Communications course at UTN San Francisco. It consists of an IoT system that allows controlling the lights of a classroom from a progressive web application, as well as viewing the light consumption statistics of all the university's classrooms. It was a team development in which we applied concepts from various fields, such as frontend, backend, networks, databases, and electronics.

For the frontend, we used Vue.js, Pinia, and Apexcharts. The backend was built with Django, Django Rest Framework, and MySQL, and we used an ESP32 chip for the electronics part.

The project can be found in this repository: Light Management



Functional Demo


Mongogram is a very simple "social network", with functionality similar to Twitter, but basic. I developed this application to demonstrate to my Database classmates how to use MongoDB, and it was useful for improving my command of Next.js, especially in the latest versions. It allows users to register, log in, create posts, comment on them, and even like posts and comments. The development time was 20 hours.

For the frontend and backend, I used Next.js, Server Components, React Query, TailwindCSS, and MongoDB.

Personal Website

2021 - 2023

I designed and developed my personal website to showcase my projects and skills. The page is made with Next.js and TailwindCSS, and is hosted on Vercel. I developed the first version in 2021 and updated it in 2023.

Here you can see the "version 1", which has a more informal and interactive design.

Personal Website

Over time, I felt the need for a more formal page that shows my projects and skills in a more professional way and is easier to maintain. Therefore, I decided to make a new version, which is the one you are seeing now. I improved the SEO, added Analytics, changed the design to a more minimalist one, added translations, and dark/light mode.



Screenshot of CEUT app

Development of a web application for the Student Center of UTN San Francisco, consisting of a calendar of partials, finals, and events, and a user management system. The application was developed with Next.js and Nest.js, using PostgreSQL as a database and ChakraUI as a component library. This was a joint work with Gonzalo Bordón (@ChachoPacho on GitHub)